For the man who knows his place

It wasn’t till I was writing my previous post on Eric Kroll that I realized that he’d edited one of the definitive books on Eric Stanton. Artwork from the book kept popping up on my Eric Kroll image searches, and I couldn’t understand why. At first I assumed the search engines were just getting confused between the two Eric’s, but then I looked a little more closely and spotted the connection. So not only has Mr Kroll produced some great photographs, he has also honored one of the great femdom artists.

Oddly enough it’s actually a book I’ve owned for years, so I really should have known. I brought it in the late 90’s in a sex shop in Soho. This was a time when commercial internet porn was still in its infancy, and I still occasionally popped into shops for femdom material. It was strange to see a serious looking, hardback book featuring vintage femdom artwork sitting on the counter next to random wank mags. I’ve no idea what else I brought that day, probably some long lost edition of Cruella magazine, but I’ve still got the book. It moved almost 5,000 miles with me to Seattle and is now sitting on a shelf between my Sandman collected editions and a bunch of Garth Ennis books. If you’re an Eric Stanton fan, it’s definitely something to consider getting.


Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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