A cappuccino with a kick

Getting charged a ridiculous amount for a poorly made coffee in one of the major American coffee chains can sometimes feel like a metaphorical kick in the nuts. A Japanese coffee house has taken that a step further with the option of a literal kick in the ass. On top of that they’ll throw in some publication humiliation and verbal abuse, all for the bargain price of $15. That’s expensive for coffee, but an absolute steal compared to what a pro-domme will charge.

I have to admit that the idea of young women dressing as maids is kind of creepy to me, but that’s very much a function of my cultural background. There’s no shortage of different fetishized outfits used in America to sell products (including coffee and chicken wings). Japan even has an option for those men desiring to wear the skirt rather than admire it, as there’s a cross-dressing equivalent of the maid cafe. It can only be a matter of time before someone combines the two and caters to the niche who’d like to get kicked in the ass by a cross dressing maid.

Kicking in a maid cafe
Kicking in a maid cafe

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “A cappuccino with a kick”

    1. Glad you liked it Miss Margo! Definitely looks more fun that the average Starbucks, although I’d imagine getting dressed up in that maid outfit every day might get old pretty quickly. Definitely a PG-13 way for both genders to try out a little D and s.

      Thanks for dropping by!


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