Fingering his hole

Having featured anal play in the last few posts, I thought I’d move a little higher up the body, but keep the penetration theme going. There’s a lot of intense concentration being shown by both people in this shot from Divine Bitches.

The psychology of putting your fingers into someone’s mouth is fascinating to me. I think it’s a lot more complex than other types of penetration in that respect. Anal play is essentially passive – you lie there and quite literally take it in the ass.  A mouth has articulation, a tongue and teeth. It can bite back. It’s the way we communicate and taste and kiss. It’s where we instinctively put a finger when we damage it, and where babies put their thumb to comfort themselves. To penetrate someone this way shows a degree of mental as well as physical control over them.

Fingering his hole

Author: paltego

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2 thoughts on “Fingering his hole”

  1. Late for the party here, but: I absolutely love to penetrate a sub’s mouth with my hand, feeling all around the inside of his mouth…to the point of choking/gagging him, even. Holding his tongue down, make him tear up a little bit. It’s hot as hell. And unlike sucking on a strap-on (which is still fun, no doubt!), I can actually feel it.

    Good blog post! xoxo paltego

    1. Sucking a strap-on is fine, but never does a huge amount for me. It’s a little too cold. Somehow putting fingers in the mouth is, as you say, far more tactile and rewarding. It walks a line between sensual intimacy and sadistic objectification.

      Thanks for stopping by to comment Miss Margo! Hope you’re continuing to recover from your trip and travails with the French asshole.


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