The Institute of Sexology

My British readers may be interested to know there’s a major exhibition on sex due to launch in November from the Wellcome Collection. The exhibition title – The Institute of Sexology – is an excellent one. I’d love a laminated FBI style badge with that on it. There actually was an institute of sexology in Germany from 1919 to 1933. That end date should give you a pretty good hint which particular group of assholes put an end to it.

The postcard below is part of the new exhibition. It was originally sent from Paris to the Austrian psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. He’s famous for his studies of sexual behavior, published in his book Psychopathia Sexualis. He didn’t coin the terms sadism and masochism, but it was his book which popularized them. Unfortunately he’s hardly a poster child for kink, as he considered any form of recreational sex to be a perversion. That’s kind of amusing to look back on, given that 99% of sex these days is recreational.

Presumably he didn’t approve of the behavior shown in the postcard. It’s hard to get pregnant while riding a man like a horse and beating him with a rod. At least I hope that’s the case, as I wasn’t wearing a condom the last time I tried it.

Woman seated upon a man like a horse

Author: paltego

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5 thoughts on “The Institute of Sexology”

    1. I don’t think that the Bible specifically forbids pony play, but I’m going to guess those groups would still treat it as a sin. Most things that are fun seem to be. Plus, who knows what bodily contact and sweaty hijinks would lead to? Definitely might be a risk of impure thoughts.


  1. “It’s hard to get pregnant while riding a man like a horse and beating him with a rod. ”

    Actually, I think it can be done. Just not with the same man.

    1. I guess that would be theoretically possible, but I’m still thinking that ‘hard’ would be a fair description for it. Of course it depends on the size of the man playing the horse. Any couple trying it on my back would be sadly disappointed. I’d be more a flattened bug than majestic stallion.


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