Emergency procedures

I just had a really wonderful scene with Lydia. Many needles and much moaning on my part was involved. However, I don’t want to talk about that tonight. Instead I want to talk about a bad scene. A scene with an abusive asshole of a dominant. Specifically, this scene described by Little Dorky Cyclops. I’m not going to try and summarize it, so feel free to go read it if you want the rest of this post to make sense.

I have to admit that a few years ago, when I was not particularly young and still stupid, I would have been sympathetic but bemused by that scene description. I would have been the idiot saying “Why not just safeword? That’s what it’s for.” Now that I’m definitely older and possibly wiser, I get it. I don’t play in public and I’ve been lucky enough to encounter very few bad dominants. I’ve only really had one session go seriously sour on me (described here and here), but I still completely understand LDC’s reaction in the scene. It’s tough to switch gears and take control back from a dominant. You’re fighting the natural dynamic of the scene and a desire to do your bit to make it work. It’s always tempting to think it’ll get better, that that you just need to hang on till the endorphins kick in. It’s easy to safeword on cramping or going numb, but this scene was a far more complex dynamic, with social pressure added into the mix as well.

Obviously the dominant here – Jefferson is his fetlife handle (aged 50, in NYC) – behaved abusively and there are serious questions the people who attended the event should be asking themselves. Hopefully making this public reduces his chances of going to other events and repeating the process, although given he’s done it before I’m not optimistic. From a submissive (and possibly selfish) perspective it makes me wonder what I can do to avoid getting caught in a similar situation. Even assuming the BDSM community can do a better job of policing itself (big assumption), bad dominants will continue to be a fact of life. So what are good self-defense techniques for a submissive to practice?

In a weird way this problem puts me in mind of a common problem in computer systems, namely handling backup and recovery when disaster strikes. I know that sounds like a bizarre connection, but stick with me on this. The problem computer users often have isn’t defining the recovery process or setting up the emergency systems, it’s making sure they work when needed. They’re hard to test properly and are rarely used. Unfortunately when you need them, you need them to work flawlessly, the first time of asking and in the most difficult circumstances. That’s a really bad combination. Typically people find out their recovery system isn’t working the first time they try and use it.

I wonder if submissives face a similar problem? They have a theoretical mechanism for safety, but the only time they use it is when they’re already in a bad situation. That’s exactly when you want to fall back to a frequently used and easily deployed mechanism, not step further into the unknown.

I’ll continue this post tomorrow with a few more thoughts. Feel free to leave comments until then. I’ll finish with what seems like an appropriate image. Thanks to Little Dorky Cyclops we’ve found out about some of that lurking evil in one particular man.


This image is by the artist Ybar. I found it on the Velvet Underground tumblr.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

3 thoughts on “Emergency procedures”

  1. Getting caught up on blog post reading and this really gets me furious. My dream would be a party of female doms binding him and giving him a taste of his own neglect for the safety of another human being.

    As a dom, before I take part in any play that could cause some harm I research and learn the good and the bad involved. With wax play you learn that if you don’t let the wax cool before you pour another layer on you trap the wax and it keeps burning. Damn that makes me so angry that he blatantly ignored that fact !

    Ooooo…. I need to walk off this steam….

    ~ Vista

    1. Yes, I definitely can relate. It annoyed the hell out of me. I had a good pace up and down my apartment when reading this and writing the post :).

      Although in some ways I find the people who protect him or didn’t step in more reprehensible. He’s an asshole, with (apparently) a history of abusing consent. People like that will always exist and always deny they’re doing anything wrong. It’s the broken social structure around him that allows him to continue to be a trusted community member. One who even teaches classes. That’s really messed up.


      1. Yes! I blame those who stand by and allow him to continue just as responsible for any outlandish atrocities he indulges in! What are they afraid of! Gawd…..

        And especially where are the doms to stand up to him and call him into accountability!!!

        Pacing again….

        ~ Vista

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