The following scene was shot in mid-March down in Los Angeles with Mistress Cynthia Stone. As is usually the case when I play, the pre-session negotiation had been minimal. Mostly it was just around dates and times. We’d played together several times before and I was happy to let her steer the session as she felt appropriate. I guessed that piercing might be involved but beyond that it was all a surprise to me.
We warmed up with a beating from a belt, which left some very pretty red marks behind. The belt blows were a nice heavy stinging sensation, somewhere between a flogger and a whip, and just right for sliding into a suitable submissive mindset. If my back looks a little shiny in the shots below that’s because it was still wet from a shower. Mistress Stone had me deliberately leave it that way and the chill of the water against the heat of the belt created a unique set of sensations.

From the belt we moved onto some CBT and trampling. The metal circle hanging off my cock was one of her wrist bracelets that was hinged and spring loaded. It wasn’t too painful when initially attached high on the shaft, but having it slowly dragged down towards the tip by her heel definitely caught my attention.
This led us into what would prove to be the focal event of the session – the tailors dummy. For the first few minutes I couldn’t figure out what Mistress Stone was planning. She was marking up my body, dotting lines across my chest (left shot) and painting lines of antiseptic down me (right shot). With a hint or two I finally got it. These were the stitching lines a tailor would follow when putting together a suit.

With the pattern in place, the next step was the stitching. It was all done with me standing, making it a little tougher to deal with. If you’re going to have any kind of
vasovagal reaction to piercing than standing is the most likely way to do so. The very first time I was pierced standing up I almost passed out and we had to stop for a few minutes while I recovered. Fortunately I’ve have a lot of practice since then and I had no problems on this occasion.
As is often the way in sessions, it was very hard to judge time. Now I look at the number of piercings involved it must have taken a while to put them all into place. In the moment itself, everything seemed to flow quickly, rolling along on a wave of endorphins. There was a pleasant sense of objectification to it. No need to think or to be. Just stand there and relax into each needle as it slides home.

The piercings were finished off with a needle through my lower lip. That was by far the most painful one of all. Lips are fleshy and have a lot of nerves. Most piercings hurt only on the initial entry point. The lip one hurt all the way through. The image on the right shows all the empty needle cases. I’m not sure how many it was in total, but I’d guess at around 70.
With all the needles in place Mistress Stone decided to convert me from a tailors dummy into a piece of furniture. She had me sit in a chair and then, having positioned some cushions on me, sat down on my lap. It was surprisingly not too painful from a purely physical perspective, but from a psychological perspective it was an intense moment. There’s all these needles scattered across by body, many sharp points resting against my skin, and then someone puts their full body weight on me, relaxing into me. I just had to trust that everything would be OK and breath in the moment.
It’s obviously tricky to get shots of that particularly set-up, but Mistress Stone did grab a couple. Left is the view from her perspective looking down at my leg peeking out under hers. On the right is the shot back at me just peeking out over shoulder.

She finished the session by getting me to slowly pull all the needles out of myself. That was an interesting experience, particularly as I was blindfolded for some of it. It didn’t particularly hurt, but it was a novel sensation, plucking each needle from my flesh and feeling it slide out. It was also unusual for me to be directed to do something to myself. It creates a very different headspace from having the domme do it. There’s an added level of stress and anxiety to get it right. The final shot below shows the end result once all the needles had been removed.
It was a highly enjoyable session and my thanks go to Mistress Stone for both creating it and documenting it. She didn’t end up crafting any custom fitted clothes on her dummy but there’s always next time!