A birthday card for Cynthia Stone

As is always the way with these pages, I need to start by saying that all the credit for the photographs and the hard work of the sessions themselves belongs fully to the domme in charge – Mistress Cynthia Stone. I just had to turn up and do as I was told. I’m confident that I got at least the first part of that right.

We actually did two different sessions, spaced by a couple of days. I always recommend this approach when traveling, as it gives more time to build chemistry and adjust activities based on how the initial session goes. In this particular case it was more about maximizing my session time while giving my body a recovery period! We’d played together before and didn’t really need a ‘getting to know you’ session first. By chance it was a couple of days before her birthday and that fact led to us finishing with one of the more imaginative activities I’ve ever been involved in.

Note that the photographs on the page can be clicked to enlarge. The more gruesome photographs I’ve left off but can be viewed, if you’re feeling brave, by clicking on the links in the text.

Session 1

This started with a lot of corporal play and, in particular, a single-tail whip. You can see the end result of that in the first photograph below. It was a heavy single-tail, with a really vicious impact. Some whips are all surface sensation, sharp pain that is fast on and fast off. This was almost like a cane, with a delayed reaction to the strike and then a deep lingering pain. There were a couple of spots of blood and one particularly vicious blow caught the bottom of my balls – my fault for moving apparently. The resulting bruise from that can be seen here.

Whip Marks

After the single-tail we moved onto piercing, putting together a twisting sequence of needles Mistress Stone called her DNA pattern. You can see the end result of that, along with a sound she inserted, in the photograph below. As is sometimes the way with cock piercing, it ended up bleeding a lot. At the time I was so zoned and spacey that I didn’t really notice what was going on. It fortunately wasn’t until the end that I realized quite what a mess I was. The end result of all that bleeding can be seen here and here.

DNA piercingSession 2

The first session, while very intense and pleasurable, was relatively conventional. The second session, two days later, got a lot more unusual. It started with some CBT, genital shaving, cock bondage and cupping. You can see the result of the cups on my torso in the shot below. The trickle of blood on the right is from a piercing hole in the nipple being opened up by the suction effect. The cup between the nipples produced an incredibly dense bruise that took weeks to fade. Even now, a month later, I can still make out the faint circular outline it left behind.

Cupping Marks
While I was relaxing in the sensation of the cups, Mistress Stone began to lay out large squares of white cardboard on her leather topped bench. Four in total, when they were taped together the resulting rectangle was around 3×5 feet. With me resting on my back on the card, she carefully pierced through the skin at the edge of my body and into the board, pinning me in place. I’ve done a cock butterfly boarding before, but I’ve never done a whole body one. Needles were run through either side of my arms and the outside edges of my legs and torso. It created quite a curious headspace. From a bondage perspective it was purely symbolic. The needles would obviously have pulled out of the cardboard fairly easily if I’d tried to situp. Yet the sensation of been spread and pinned to something was a powerful one. There’s a sense of objectification that comes with it, a functionality to the skin penetration that’s unusual for play piercing.

Unfortunately we didn’t get any shots of me pinned in place, but the two shots below should give an idea of the set-up. They show the card after we were done with it. The numerous needle cases that were left can be seen in the left hand shot between where my legs would have been. There’s also blood, sweat and yellow antiseptic liquid smeared liberally around.

Card after useCard after use

With the basic structure of her birthday card in place, Mistress Stone then set about decorating it using a needle and thread. Obviously a card always needs a message, so she stitched ‘B’DAY’ into my chest, as shown below. I can only be grateful she didn’t decide to go with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTRESS STONE”. I might have run out of chest.
The final touch for her card was a cock piercing to hold a small birthday candle. She had me sing happy birthday while I desperately tried to avoid moving and splattering candle wax over delicate appendages. I believe she recorded this on her phone, which I can only hope and pray never leaks out. Naked pictures of me on the internet is one thing. People hearing my off-key singing is definitely a degree of torture too far.

It was a wonderfully inventive and enjoyable session, and I’m very grateful to Mistress Stone for all the preparation she did for it. I can only hope she enjoyed making her birthday card as much as I enjoyed becoming it.

6 thoughts on “A birthday card for Cynthia Stone”

  1. Great post paltego. Not my thing but I can appreciate the detail and work that goes into this….and the result.

    Next time, maybe you can include a “Pin the tail on the Donkey” game? That’s what they played at my birthday party many moons ago!


    1. Thanks RW. It was a lot of fun to be a part of, and putting the post together definitely brought back a lot of good memories.

      I remember your post about the ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’. I’ll have to suggest that next time. Although I’m not sure I need a domme wandering around with something sharp and a blindfold on. They can be dangerous enough when they can see what they’re doing! 🙂


  2. That looks more than a ‘bruise’ to your goolie – be careful, permenant damage here ain’t funny.
    Otherwise quite ‘awesome’ as I believe thay say on your (adopted) side of the pond.

    1. The mark looked pretty bad, but it seemed to heal up pretty quickly. Faster than the cupping bruises in fact 🙂

      Definitely pretty awesome as sessions go. Thanks for commenting to say so!


  3. Please tell Ms Stone that I can seriously appreciate the creativity and the sadism that went into the birthday card!

    Now I am off to explore your site a bit further!

    1. I’ll be happy to pass on that message. Given she’s down in LA I only get to see her occasionally, but I’m sure I’ll be heading down there again before too long.

      Hope your exploration of the site was met with success and you enjoyed what you found!


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