
After many years writing this blog, I thought I knew about pretty much every sexual kink going. How naïve of me. There’s always something new to learn. Even if that knowledge may be something you could have lived without.

The kink in question is called souper, which is an attraction to sexual secretions like semen and urine soaked in bread. The Wikipedia page describes a particular manifestation as follows…

This specific meaning refers to individuals who take pleasure in consuming food soaked in the urine of others, in particular bread abandoned and later retrieved at public urinals. This practice was popular in Paris and Marseille up until the 1960s and 1970s.

Not to kink shame, but wow, that’s quite the kink. I wonder if they used the traditional French baguette?

Wikipedia also mentions an alternative variation, where people would visit brothels to consume the semen left by customers. Apparently sex workers would sometimes fake the semen with a mix of egg white, urine and a drop of bleach. That doesn’t sound all the appetizing, but was probably safer to eat than the random body fluids of whoever had shown up at the brothel earlier that day.

Personally, while I do have a bit of a kink for bodily fluids, I like them with unimpeachable provenance and fresh from the source. No added carbs.

This drawing of men about to experience some forced consumption is by Annmo Night.


I’ve had an occasional but reoccurring dream since I was a kid. It’s one where I suddenly realize there’s some sort of exam tomorrow and I haven’t studied for it. Fear and panic ensue. Given my last significant exam was for a postgrad degree in my early twenties and I’m now in my early fifties, you’d think my brain might have given up panicking by now. I guess at this stage I’m stuck with it forever.

In the last few years a new dream has started periodically featuring in my mental movie theater. It’s one where I’m naked and just starting an amazing session with a fabulous domme when somebody entirely inappropriate shows up. Dream me never remembers to lock the playspace door. The visitors might be coworkers or friends or relatives. A couple of nights ago it was my Mother. She didn’t look happy about what she found. Fear and panic ensued. Freud would no doubt have a field day.

Amusingly I have a physical record of the effect her unexpected appearance had on me. I’ve been wearing a health tracker that, among other things, records my heartrate. My sleeping rate is fairly steady at 50 bpm. Right around the time of the dream there’s this narrow but very visible spike where my heart rate shoots up to just over 90 bpm. Getting my fight or flight reaction to kick in isn’t unusual in a session, but I don’t think it has ever been triggered quite like that before.

I’ll finish with an image of another dream scenario – inapproiately naked in a public space. I’ve fortunately never had this one but it seems to be a relatively common nightmare. Artwork is by Underling who sadly stopped posting to his site several years ago.

The Two Kinkster Problem Revisited

Last week I posed a kinky thought experiment to consider. For clarity, let me restate it here, with a minor modification. The added italic text really should have been in the original version, as it closes a potential area of ambiguity.

“Mistress Mary and Submissive Sam, both risk aware consensual adult kinksters, enter their own deserted, well equipped private playspace and close the door behind them. An hour later they emerge sweaty, breathless and happy. They both tell you that they had a great time, and then go on their way with no ill effects or further interaction. Later you ask them what they did. At this point, is there anything they can say that’ll make you think they did something ethically or morally wrong?”

I suspect most of my readers would answer that there’s nothing they can have done that was ethically or morally wrong. That was certainly the gist of the comments I received, which didn’t surprise me. If you believe that, then you also must be ‘OK’ with extreme roleplays focusing on race, childhood, incest, Nazis, genocide, etc. Because in their hour alone, Mary and Sam might have indulged in the most heinous fucked up roleplay you can possibly imagine.

Note that by ‘OK’ in this context I don’t mean necessarily enjoying the idea of the activity, or wanting to try it yourself. Just that you’d say that no kink that can be done privately between consenting adults can ever be morally or ethically wrong.

I posed the thought experiment as a response to my ‘Pick a Side‘ post and the online debate I’d see about controversial activities. It seemed that the debate about specific activities was often muddied by the bad behavior of those who did them. I felt this thought experiment crystallized the issues more clearly.

In my original post I said that there was no wrong answer to the question, and I do believe that. While I lean to the anything goes side, I think it’s entirely valid to say that there are things that Mary and Sam can do that would be wrong. However, if you believe that, then I also think it’s incumbent on you to consider why you draw a line between activities and why your own favorite activities are OK in this situation. Kinky people are always keen to emphasize the difference between fantasy and reality. If you deny that boundary for some kinks, why not all?

It’s tricky to pick an image for a post like this. What Mary and Sam get up to in private isn’t necessarily something I want to broadcast to my readers. Nazi’s are certainly a controversial topic, but I think shooting a pair of them should be relatively safe, particularly when it’s done by the Lace Panty Commandos.