The enema bandit strikes!

Enema’s are one of those things that seem like a really weird kink at first glance, but actually make some sort of sense when you think about it. Lots of submissives get off on the idea of something being insert into their body. Sounds, strap-ons and gags all play into that kink. Giving up control over the body and its functions is similarly a popular fantasy. Breath-play, catheters, forced consumption and even basic bondage are all ways to play with control. So it makes sense that an activity that combines both insertion and power over a bodily function would be an interesting one to some people. Not to mention the masochistic opportunities of cramping and bloating.

Unfortunately in Sonoma it appears that someone went a little too far with their kink.

The man …. said that an unknown female entered his home one Sunday afternoon and announced that she, “Needed to give him an enema.”

The woman guided the man into his bedroom, where she had him lie face down on the bed “with his pants pulled down. The female then gave [the man] what he presumed was an enema and immediately left.”

The day after the unscheduled enema, the man called his doctor and “asked if they had sent the woman to his house.” The doctor replied that he had not ordered the enema, and “suggested that he notify the police.”

To be fair the guy had recently had stomach surgery and has some degree of visual impairment, so he might have a slightly trickier job spotting a bogus enema giver than most people. But I did have to smile at the following line.

The man told cops that he was “unsure and didn’t want to do it,” but that things “happened so fast he did not have a chance to object.”

That must have been one speedy enema. Even on my slowest and most befuddled days, I think a random stranger would have a job rushing an enema past me.

Astonishingly this isn’t the first case of forced enema administering. When I googled my post title (always wise to see what may pop up) I found this guy, who mixed in robbery, sexual assault and enemas. Fortunately in this recent case it appears that no serious harm was done, although I’m sure the victim is fairly freaked out.

When it came to picking an illustration for this post, it was an easy call. Augustine is always the go to source for enema artwork. This is a selection from his entertaining Lessons in Control series.

In the meantime, all my readers from Northern California should be on their guard. The female enema bandit is still on the loose!

Augustine Enema Artwork

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

6 thoughts on “The enema bandit strikes!”

  1. Hi Paltego:

    For me enemas are a necessary prerequisite for anal play. Also rubber gloves for her. Anything less is highly inconsiderate. They can also be an exciting part of the preparation leading up to a session. They help to build anticipation and put me in a subbie state of mind. Never been the victim of a hit and run enema bandit though. Where can I find one?

    1. I’ve done anal play without enema’s with no major issues, but I do find they remove some of that fear of “How much of a mess am I going to make here?” Nobody wants a lot of really nasty Santorum to deal with. Rubber gloves are a definite plus.

      Sonoma seems to be the place for the enema bandit according to the article. So you could pick up some good wine and get a hit and run enema. Although as I said in my reply to Saratoga, I’m guessing she’s not someone you’d necessarily want to risk playing with.

    1. I think it works as a fantasy, but anyone crazy enough to do this is probably not the best person to play with. There’s that old saying about “Never stick your dick in crazy.” In this case I guess it’d be “Don’t let crazy stick an enema in you.”

  2. Hi paltego,

    This has to rank as one of your very best posts. Em and I were rolling on the floor doubled over with laughter. I know that there’s got to be more to the story. Perhaps the guy was old and/or has been receiving home health care. Even so, the spectral image of this supremely odd lady appearing in my doorway will surely spawn some odd dreams and fantasies.


    Mrs. Kelly’s Playhouse

    1. Thanks Scott! Glad you liked it.

      The article said he was 53, so not old. But yes, I’m guessing if he’s had stomach surgery and has vision issues, he’s probably had home health care, which makes it a little more understandable. Still, it is a profoundly odd mental picture – an unwanted enema. It seems like she got clean away. I wonder if the police dusted for fingerprints?

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