Chin Up

A few years ago a Japanese company was working on Internet smell-o-vision. Given the lack of scents wafting out of my new laptop, I’m guessing they never quite managed to figure it out. Which is a shame, as some images really cry out for an aromatic accompaniment. The brilliant John Waters was of course ahead of his time in this respect.

Chin UpThis image is originally from brutal-facesitting. I found it on the un-des-sens tumblr site. It’s a interesting tumblr site, as it has a lot of artist black and white photographs, rather than the usual grab bag of random reblogged tumblr porn. However, a fair number of the images seem to have started life as conventional porn, and then been manipulated to create slightly more interesting and distinctive pictures. Or manipulated to create artificially pretentious arty images, if you’re feeling cynical. Personally, I liked it a lot.

Author: paltego

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