Crediting Content Creators

I sometimes feel a little guilty about the parasitical nature of this site. I try to add what little value I can to the content I post via my random thoughts and opinions. But at the end of the day, the only reason people are going to keep coming back is for the photographs, artwork, articles and links I provide. I edit and I collate, but I don’t typically create.

Hence, I make every effort I can to credit the original creators of the work I post. If I feature a pro-domme I always try to link to her web site and session scheduling information. If it’s an artist or fetish site I try and direct people to where they can see and possibly purchase more content. I also make every effort to identify the content I’m posting, even it’s not obviously watermarked. TinEye is very useful for that, as is many years of looking at far too much femdom porn. In general I like to think that anything I post here is a net positive for the original owner, even if only by a small amount.

I therefore find it incredibly annoying when I spot sites re-posting a lot of the images I’ve published here, but dropping any mention of where it’s originally from or who it features. Obviously with so many blog and tumblr sites posting and re-posting the same images, it’s often hard to be sure of exactly who lifted what from where. But sometimes based on timing or the sequence of images posted, it’s a fairly obvious trail of evidence to follow.

If you’re going to re-post images from here, and I have managed to give some attribution, then please carry it along in the re-post. A link here would be nice, but given I’m in no position to be claiming ownership of anything, far from essential. The content creators on the other hand, really do deserve to be credited properly. And your readers will thank you for the extra background information.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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